Wednesday, May 19, 2010

SnapTrader Lives...

It's been several months since I've updated the blog, and in fact, even several months since I've posted on this site. I suppose I owe an explanation.

I started the blog in order to share some ideas about my trading, and to better crystallize my own strategies. After doing that for a long time, I felt that there wasn't much more to say. During the past few months while on hiatus, I spent a lot of time better defining by trading rules and strategies. I defined and backtested entries, exits, position sizing, money management, and all position management. In fact, I feel so confident in my trading approach today that I spend only a few minutes per day on the actual trades... now that's SnapTrading!

Finally, there are a couple more items to share with readers. First, while this might shock you, I am trading primarily stocks these days. I still do some options, but this is restricted to 10% or less of my account. Second, I am having all trades and results audited by Covestor. The chart to the right shows the Covestor monitored results. I figure if I want to build a track record, this is a small initial step. There is no fudging the numbers, as they are linked directly to my brokerage account. Also, there is a Covestor stamp at the top of the page as well, which as you can see, indicates my membership since Feb 2010.

Over the next few posts I will fill in some details about my trading approach, rules, and strategies.

Good Trading...


  1. phew, i thought you had gone to blog heaven! (all blogs go to heaven, it's a little known fact). . . . mike will be pleased to see some information, we're in strategy mode at present!

  2. Stumbled upon your blog while you were on your hiatus, pleased to see you are back now!
