Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Covestor.com update...

I have mentioned several times that all of my trading activity is being tracked by Covestor.com. It's very cool and allows others to follow along with what I'm doing. Most important, for all SnapTraders, is that it doesn't require any additional work on the trader's part, or on the followers part.

Covestor.com has the ability to link directly to my brokerage account. Whenever I make a trade it is reflected on Covestor. Likewise, all of my performance history is based on my real trading account, and I don't have to do anything other than just do my trades. It just looks at my account and reports my trades. I suppose this also prevents anyone from "doctoring" the numbers, since they are based on actuals.

Up at the top of the right hand column is a live performance graph. It compares my portfolio performance with the overall market (in this case the SP500). If you click on it, you can see more details about my portfolio. It shows actual trades, current holdings, and other performance statistics.

And now for the really cool part: Anyone interested can open an account with Covestor.com and "mirror" my account. In other words, whatever I do happens in your account as well. People are able to link their accounts to the Covestor model managers in this way and have matched performance without doing anything. I've seen services before where you could get a list of trades and then enter them yourself, but this takes it a step further. It's really an amazing service.

Good Trading...

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