Monday, March 2, 2009

RUT Condor 3-2

What a crazy day!  With the RUT down over 5% (HUGE), and the RVX up more than 12% (Bigger than HUGE) I had to make an adjustment today.  This morning as I was commuting to work I noticed the market moving down fast.  Even though it hadn't hit my adjustment point yet, it seemed inevitable, so I put an order in to remove a bull put spread position if it moved down much further.  It executed some time mid-day.

That was the first losing leg for the month, but we are still in relatively good shape.  Here is our current position:

As you can see, we still have a nice profit and a wide profit area.  If things settle down we're in great shape.  If they continue to get crazy we'll take it off with a profit.  Tomorrow is a travel day for me, so I will have to make some decisions based on early morning market action.  If things look risky I might take the rest of the put side off, but we'll see.
Good Trading...

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