Wednesday, February 25, 2009

RUT Condor 2-25

Well, I've made a complete mess of things... not so much in the trade, but in my ability to clearly show you where we are.  Today was quite a volatile day, and as the market began to plunge hard I decided to shorten my Deltas a little on this trade.  I was still able to get near 5% return on selling some time, so I went ahead and decided to add some Theta as well.  To do all that I added a 470/460 call spread.  The problem is that it overlayed the 470/480 spread that I already had on and now it looks like a 480/460 spread.  I am okay with all that, but it makes it look like the position is not as profitable as it really is.

It looks like we are only up $60, yet we are up $214 on the day.  If you add $214 to the $1432 we were up yesterday we should show a gain of more $1646.  So what happened?  Well, this only shows the OPEN positions.  Since the 470's are technically no longer "open" they don't show up.  What that fails to take into account is that we have a bunch of 470's sold at $2.40, which we bought back on today's adjustment for $.88, so that monster profit is in the account, it's just not "open".  I could probably go through some gyrations and figure out how to use simulated trades to represent this, but it's just easier to manage the trade from here.  When the whole thing is closed out we'll look at it leg by leg and show the final results.  What a mess!  I like when things are nice and clean, but this happens sometimes.  I hope TOS will find a way someday to track the campaign-like returns.  Meanwhile, the position is nicely centered still, with a slightly bearish edge.

Good Trading...

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