Monday, January 19, 2009

Getting my Blog on...

Okay, I did it. I'm joining the 21st century and starting to blog. I admit, it's a little scary to put your thoughts down for all to read; and in this case it's even more intimidating. The purpose of this diary is to document my trades and trading practices. More than anything, I felt like if I show the trading community (and the rest of the world I suppose) exactly what I'm doing it will keep me focused on doing things well. There's no better motivator than to have your ego on the line.

I am a retail trader, and probably would be considered "intermediate" in skills and experience (whatever that means). I trade primarily options and have been at it for about 10 years, although I've only been real consistent for about the past three years. My option trades tend to be spreads, but aside from that they come in many shapes and sizes. Over time, you'll see them and will get a pretty good feel for how I trade. Since I'm intending for the blog to be a place to document trades, and also practices, I expect you'll see ideas around risk management, position sizing, setups, trading rules, etc., as well as examples of all that.

I would be remiss if I didn't post some sort of disclaimer here, as this is just my way of documenting my own work. Nothing written here is intended as advice or direction. As mentioned, I'm not an expert or professional in the field of trading. Trade carefully and make your own decisions based on your own research.

Aside from this introduction, we'll just take it one day at a time. I don't know how it will all go. I might tire of it quickly, in which case readers will be left in the lurch. I hope that doesn't happen.

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